About Me

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Hey! I'm Scott. A 27 year-old guy from Poway California, a suburb of Sandiego. I am in the middle of finding out what I really want from my life, choosing a new direction and finding passion in my every day activities. I want to write about things I love, including food and fun things to do. My blog may be a place to see a review of a restaurant in town, or maybe a new recipe to try out. As long as I can express myself and share with the world, My writing knows no bounds. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Brunch With A Punch!

Lets go to BRUNCH! 

If you are my family and friends, you are always going to the same spots over and over again. You have lived in San Diego for most of your life, yet, you have only really experienced the tip of the proverbial iceberg. You miss out on these hidden gems, that for many are not so hidden at all! 
I was recently introduce to an amazing, semi-expensive, but food-coma worthy Brunch spot called Hash House a Go Go (Yes, that's the actual name). 

When you walk up to this Hillcrest Restaurant(off 5th Ave. and Hwy 163), you can tell it must be good. Merely by observing the anxious, obviously starving group that is outside, you can just smell the anticipation of an over eager crowd.  Why didn't they call in a reservation you ask? Because, like myself, they tried calling one in but were simply denied the simple luxury. Believe me, the inconvenience is worth the wait! 

Unfortunately for me, I came hungrier than I imagined after my near upsetting drive to an unfamiliar area. That hunger combined with the parking situation made me more mad than Ray Charles attempting a word search, but I was assured many a time that my woes are going to be filled with a plate full of deliciousness. 

Don't want to wait outside for a half hour while you wait for a table? Lets go for a walk to the many small shops and boutiques in the area. Luckily there are a plethora of things to see around the area. Little privately owned shops with nic nacs, that you don't have in a north county shopping center, are everywhere here. Unfortunately for the more wealthy/ Family targeted shopping centers, they are lacking character and individuality. Instead of a cool, privately owned coffee shop, we get yet another star bucks that is churning out more and more cookie cutter society, that is there to suck the money from our wallets. 

Good news! I got a call about our table! Once you get in, its a lot smaller than I thought it would be. A little noisy and crowded, but what great food hole isn't? Exactly.

This place just smells like somewhere you want to bring your family to(maybe a special occasion or sunday brunch). You can just tell by looking around at the other plates, that this is not your regular bagged gravy, microwave food place. This stuff is fresh! You can just tell how good your food is going to be based on the faces of people around you, stuffing their faces and then contemplating how amazing each bite is.

That picture up above is the Sage Fried Chicken that I got the first time I came here with a few friends of mine, Emily and Chris. Thank you for bringing me BTW. I tell you what. This is not some KFC tasting, processed bull of a chicken. For me, it reminded me of a time I had home made fried chicken from my buddy's grandma that hailed from Mobile Alabama. It was obviously made with care and a recipe that had been tried and tested many times. 

This is the description that Hash House has for their restaurant: " We keep the fun in food while pulling from the experiences of farm fresh agriculture, live stock and old recipes with a twist."

This is indeed holding up to their mission statement and I really am happy to say that I consider this restaurant to be one of those, "not everyone knows about it", gems of San Diego. Next time you want to try something new and fresh, check out Hash House A Go Go in Hillcrest. I know you wont go home hungry or disappointed! Happy Eating. a twist.

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